

International Crisis Group


International Crisis Group is a transnational non-profit, non-governmental organisation that carries out field research on violent conflict and advances policies to prevent, mitigate or resolve conflict.

Comment: Blatant, perhaps criminal, negligence and bureaucratic ineptitude were the immediate causes of the explosion, says the International Crisis Group.

10 August, 2020

Comment: The Syrian regime's campaign to retake Idlib threatens devastating levels of death and displacement. Syria and Russia must conclude an immediate ceasefire with rebel forces, writes International Crisis Group.

11 February, 2020

Comment: A new report by International Crisis Group suggests there are ways Europe can support needy Syrians, without compromising on its political goals.

26 November, 2019

Comment: Crisis Group expert Heiko Wimmen says the emergency measures may be too little, too late. Most protesters are demanding the government's resignation if not the political system's complete overhaul.

23 October, 2019

Comment: Both Iraq and Syria need to be spared new external shocks that could disrupt counter-IS efforts, say the International Crisis Group.

21 October, 2019

Comment: Washington's strategy of withdrawing from the nuclear deal and devastating Iran's economy was bound to provoke Tehran, bringing the region to the brink of all-out war, argues the ICG.

23 September, 2019

Comment: The International Crisis Group discusses what needs to be done to give Sudan's new power-sharing accord the best chance of success.

30 August, 2019